Contact Magma Build Studios

Phone Number

Baltimore, MD 21215
New York Studio
Brooklyn, New York City
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are you unique?
What we hear the most is “I didn’t know you did that!” Our wide range of capabilities and experience sets us apart from the competition.
We are a one-stop shop for all nessecary trades, willing to work across the design-build spectrum to solve fabrications challenges economically while meeting the client’s aesthetic vision.
Can you work from my design?
Whether you have a general idea, a specific plan, or just want to brainstorm ideas, you’ve come to the right place. Our team works with you to clearly define the project and develop a scope of work that takes all factors into account.
How far do you travel?
We’ll go anywhere for the right project. Our team has traveled across the United States and abroad. Smaller projects can be shipped with installation instructions. Large projects often require our team onsite to oversee crews or handle installation directly.
How much is a glass faucet?
Our standard faucet and spout combinations start at $1,300. Custom faucet pricing is based on the design.
Press Inquires
To get in touch with our marketing team, please email [email protected] or call 443-451-7204.